Usher for Mac
Manage and watch your collection of videos (Beta).
Note: After many long conversations, we have decided to retire Usher, our media management app: Effective March 1st, 2017, Usher will no longer be available for purchase. We will update it to fix issues that arise, but no further development will occur. If you’ve always wanted to own Usher, you’ve got about two weeks left to make the purchase. (It’s not being abandoned, we’re just retiring it from active development, so you will be supported. However, please read the Q&A before you decide to purchase Usher.) So what does this mean for you as an Usher user? We figure you might have questions, so we’re going to do our best to answer them here. Anything we don’t address, please feel free to bring it up in the comments, or by emailing us directly.
Usher (was yFlicks) is the ultimate tool for managing and watching your collection of videos. View your library in four view modes; watch movies in three ways. You can even use your Apple hardware remote to control playback and choose movies.
Tags and properties let you add metadata, and you can even download cast, director, etc. directly from Amazon.
Note: Staying on Usher 1.1.17, or any version older than that, is only an option if you don't plan on upgrading to macOS 10.15 Catalina. Those older Ushers are 32-bit apps, and they will not run on macOS 10.15 Catalina.
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