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USBVision for Mac

Drivers & video capture for USBVision.

In English
Based on 3 user rates

USBVision overview

USBVision offers Mac OS X support not only for XLR8 InterView, but also for a wide range of new devices including Belkin VideoBus and VideoBus II, iRez USB Live and CapSure, Global Village VideoFX, Alpha Data USB Video Adapter, Hauppauge USB-Live and many others -including those originally sold as PC-only. Mac OS X support for most of these devices was previously unavailable.

Additionally, the new USBVision software will allow up to eight video capture devices to run simultaneously on one computer. Multiple devices can be used with Ben Bird's SecuritySpy and SubRosaSoft's HomeGuardian security packages allowing the monitoring of many different video sources. Multiple devices can also be used with video broadcast and webcam packages, allowing multiple video sources to be uploaded to the Internet from a single computer.

What’s new in version 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0:
  • Includes the authentication necessary to install software on OS X 10.8.
View older USBVision versions

USBVision for Mac

In English
Version 1.5.0
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(9 Reviews of USBVision)

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  • User Ratings

Dec 5 2006
Dec 5 2006
Version: 1.2
Wow, what excellent technical support I received for USBVision. I was suddenly having trouble running the software after successfully using it for years on a satellite project. After probably 20 emails back and forth, EchoFX support deduced that another software package was interfering (USB Proscope). I relocated a few tools as instructed and BAM everything was fixed. I can't believe the tenacity of this software team to find such an obscure glitch... wish all my packages were so well supported. -Linda
Oct 22 2005
Oct 22 2005
Version: 1.1.2
Still does not completely support the Belkin VideoBus II when used with my Japanese Sega Saturn. Only audio works, no video. tried all possible compressions (including none).
Mar 27 2005
Mar 27 2005
Version: 1.1.1
This is a truly awesome product. My friend and I were going on a 10-hour roadtrip and we were staying up until midnight to try to prepare for it (you see, we have this urge to play Playstation2 games and watch VHS movies in the car) Anyway, the problem was that my friend's 12" TV had broke when we were installing it in the car, and so it was beginning to look like we would not be able to play games for 10 hours straight (boo-hoo) I suddenly remembered that I had just recently bought a used GlobalVillage VideoFX adaptor from an eBay seller friend of mine a few weeks prior. I had bought it to record TV shows to the computer. Problem was that the software worked only on OS 8.5-9.x, and would not work in Classic mode under OS X. I frantically surfed the web until I stumbled upon the USBVision software. I bought it instantly, and that small purchase of 25 bucks or so saved my friend and I from listening to vocabulary tapes the whole way (which was what his mom was going to force us to do...ARGH!) The folks at USB vision must be geniuses to be able to make such an intuitive, non-buggy, inexpensive bundle of software apps to be compatible with a staggeringly long list of USB video capture hardware. MANY THANKS!
Mar 21 2005
Mar 21 2005
Version: 1.1.1
I've got an old "Dazzle" USB video input device that I haven't been able to use since I upgraded to OSX. I'd hooked it up and ran the USBVision demo and it recognized the device as something from "Global Village" which I believe used the same hardware. I was a little hesitant about paying for the software if I wasn't 100% sure it was going to work, but went ahead and purchased it figuring the price was pretty low and it was a reaonable gamble. The software works as advertised and is much more intuitive than the original software that came with the device. I highly recommend this software/driver for people who have compatible video input hardware.
Jan 16 2005
Jan 16 2005
Version: 1.1.1
From EchoFX Support, regarding the two preceding reports. There are rare instances when we are unable to help a customer acquire video through the USBVision software. Occassionally older video equipment or faulty devices are to blame. In any case, if we cannot make the customer happy, we do not keep their money! These instances are extraordinarily rare and we encourage anyone still in doubt, to try the demo version. As to the person claiming that they had to reformat their hard drive. That simply cannot be due to USBVision. There are tens of thousands of installations of this software in use and no one has ever lost data to our knowledge, with the exception of one user over a year ago who erased his hard drive to uninstall the software. (Holding down the option key in the installer is a much less destructive approach). No one has contacted tech support in recent months regarding anything like what user "Tim" describes. There is simply no evidence whatsoever that the USBVision software on it's own could harm a drive in this way. In summary: a 1-star rating for refunding a customer's money in the extraordinarily rare case we can't make the software work is unreasonable. A 1-star rating for a horror story that absolutely cannot have been the USBVision software's fault is even more unreasonable. Please take note of other user experiences before taking these two reports into account. Thank you. EchoFx Support.
Mar 27 2005
Mar 27 2005
Version: null
Mar 21 2005
Mar 21 2005
Version: null
Feb 29 2004
Feb 29 2004
Version: null