TimeChunks for Mac
Time tracking.
Lightning fast time tracking for freelancers TimeChunks is yet another time tracking app, but better. Working hours can be recorded within just a few seconds by using your keyboard, and can be prepared for billing just as quickly. TimeChunks doesn't need a timer and no annoying HH:MM:SS input fields.
Input Paths and TimeChunks instead of HH:MM:SS There are basically only two core principles you need to know when using TimeChunks. Paths and - of course - TimeChunks. Paths A path is a loose and flexible hierarchy of your tasks. It can have as many levels as you need. If you're making delicious lemonade for a company called Little Lemonade Stand Inc. a path might look like this: Little Lemonade Stand Inc./Making Lemonade/Prepare Fruit/
TimeChunks A TimeChunk is the smallest time unit you're working with. If you typically bill per full hour simply set one TimeChunk to 3600 seconds, if you bill per minute set it to 60 seconds. To track one hour of preparing lemons for your lemonade customer just add a TimeChunk according to the settings you've chosen: TimeChunk set to 3600 s (= 1 h): Little Lemonade Stand Inc./Making Lemonade/Prepare Fruit/1
TimeChunk set to 60 s (= 1 min): Lemonade Stand Inc./Making Lemonade/Prepare Fruit/60
Hit enter ↩ to add the entry and you're done.
Full Keyboard support TimeChunks comes with full keyboard support and some handy shortcuts, making time tracking a breeze.
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