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Thortspace for Mac

3D visual thinking for creative brainstorming.

In English
Based on 2 user rates

Thortspace overview

Thortspace is a 3D visual thinking for creative brainstorming, problem solving, collaborative research and education. Beyond 3D mind mapping - reflecting how minds work.

Thortspace diverges from conventional mind-mapping and concept-mapping software in a number of ways:

  • Maps are structured around the surfaces of one or more spheres which are presented to the user in 3D
  • Map-nodes (called "thorts" in the product) can be associated in groups according to proximity, as well as connected by paths
  • Paths can be made to connect thort to group, thort to thort, group to group, thort to sphere, group to sphere, sphere to sphere
  • Multiple alternative arrangements of subsets of nodes can be stored and transitioned between
  • The concept of "Journeys" allows a series of viewpoints of maps in the 3D space to be visited sequentially, so as to make something of the form of a presentation
  • The product supports a rudimentary implementation of social networking and a newsfeed that allows users to track their own and others contributions across collaborative spheres
  • Supports a consistent interface and data sharing across all major operating system platforms and devices: Linux, Windows, MacOSX, iOS and Android
  • 3D associative and linking structures based on spheres
  • Linking and association at multiple different levels of structure
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Sharing by email, social networking account, or by private link
  • 1-click publishing to the web
  • Thorts can contain images, URL links, and be colour coded in multiple alternative categorizations
  • Thortspace is designed to support:
  • Experimental multi-perspectival reflection and play,
  • The creation of chunks of thinking as building blocks that can be used to build thinking structures,
  • Process-orientation - thortspace empowers the journey, not just the destination,
  • Synthesis as well as analysis

What’s new in version 1.5.40

  • Bug fixes and usability enhancements.
View older Thortspace versions

Thortspace for Mac

In English
Version 1.5.40
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(1 Reviews of Thortspace)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Dec 21 2017
Dec 21 2017
Version: 1.4.24
Any app that features 3D-thinking sparks my mind. It's too rare in our 1-D thinking world of human ignorance. (Witness: Politics).

There are three versions:

1) Free Personal version provides:
"Rapid Capture and Organisation of Ideas. Easy web-link and knowledge management. Categories and Paths. Store alternative Arrangements of ideas. Combine topics to make Networks. Create Journeys around your networks. Store your data on your device or desktop. No login required."

2) $9.17 per month (paid annually) Premium version provides:
"All Personal Features Plus: Share and Collaborate in real-time. See collaborator changes instantly.. Collaborators do not have to be subscribers.. Work online or offline. Automatic. Synchronise, Merge and Backup. Publish Spheres and Journeys to the Web.. View your private spheres in most browsers. Integrated internet picture search."

3) Enterprise version (call for pricing) provides:
"All Premium Features Plus. Manage team permissions. Team licensing. Optional on-site deployment. Optional customisation. Optional introductory courses."

[Spelling errors above not mine.]
May 28 2021
May 28 2021
Version: 1.5.38
May 28 2021
May 28 2021
Version: 1.5.38