Text Workflow for Mac
Transform text with workflows.
A powerful and easy to use tool that will help you transform your text. Text Workflow removes the need to perform repetitive tasks manually on your text. Combine transformation actions to create powerful automations for your text. Save your transformation workflows to use them any time want.
You can combine all these actions to create your custom transformation workflows!
Export your workflows to file and share them easily with other users!
Text Workflow fills the chasm between rudimentary text formatting apps, which I have relied on for years, and fully-featured but complex text editing apps, like TextSoap. I have tried TextSoap a number of times over the years, but couldn't stick with it – it was either too much for my needs or too complicated to use full-time. Text Workflow solves that problem. It offers a wide range of text editing functions and workflows – pretty much anything you can think of and some that would never have occurred to you – like the ability to encrypt and decrypt text files with a password. You can also customize Text Workflow with your own workflows and use it in the Shortcuts app. It’s incredibly powerful in what it can do, yet incredibly simple to use every day.
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