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Security Camera for Mac

Photographically capture user identities on your Mac.

In English

Security Camera overview

Protect your Mac with Security Camera. Snap anyone who wakes up your computer! Worldwide, it ranked #1 to #5 in the Utilities category.

Security Camera is a user-friendly app that can be installed in one minute and doesn't require any further configuration. Each time your computer wakes up the camera will silently snap the person who wakes it up and save the photo into a defined folder. With this app in hand you will always have evidence of who and when touched your computer without your permission. Intruders will no longer be able to deny invading your privacy, you'll be able to check if your kids misbehaved and if you can trust your roommate.

Get Security Camera today to spare yourself from worrying about the security of your personal data and document your life at the same time!

  • Automatic camera snap after waking up.
  • Saving images at a resolution of 640х480.
  • Can now send pictures to your Dropbox account! So if your laptop gets stolen, you’ll likely have a photo of the thief.
  • User-friendly interface and no need for further configuration.
  • We added password protection to the application. Now only you can view/copy/delete Captured Photos.
  • Fast work and no additional CPU load.
  • No interference with other automatically run applications.
  • Adjustable arm-timer.
  • Idle timer actuations.
  • You can setup Security Camera to arm after 30sec/1min/3min/5min/15min/30min of idle time. When armed, Security Camera snaps anyone who drags a mouse, touches Multi-Touch trackpad or presses any key.

What’s new in version 2.5

Version 2.5:
  • Full compatibility with OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • Improved stability and efficiency
View older Security Camera versions

Security Camera for Mac

In English
Version 2.5
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(1 Reviews of Security Camera)

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  • User Ratings

Mar 13 2011
Mar 13 2011
Version: 1.0
Mmm . . . I don't see the cameras that this app supports anywhere! Will it work with 3rd party cameras?
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