RUMlog for Mac
HAM radio logging tool.
RUMlog is a logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm. RUMlog can handle an unlimited numbers of logs and an unlimited numbers of QSOs per log. An user editable, all time country database is used for automatic DXCC recognition.
RUMlog includes routines, tables and an interactive gray line map to support the user in gray line dxing. Using RUMlog you can print QSL card labels and manage your incoming paper QSLs. The Logbook of The World (LoTW) and eQSL are fully supported, and you can create files for the Global QSL service very quick. You can get different statistics for paper- or LoTW QSLs. It's just a mouse click to upload or download new QSLs to/from eQSL or LoTW.
RUMlog can use the ON6DP QSL manager database to inform you about managers or addresses and it can build and use an own manager and IOTA database, extracting the information from dx-cluster spots. Provisions are made to query the online library.
RUMlog keeps you up to date about worked, confirmed or missing DXCCs and provides you with country lists and detailed statistics. Quick log searches or more detailed log queries are possible. RUMlog can establish a dx-cluster connection via the Internet or via packet radio. A simple terminal is integrated for a Packet Radio connection. RUMlog will separate DX-spots and alert you via e-mail or Growl when there is a ,new one' DXCC or IOTA spotted. Multiple interactive band maps virtualize activities on the air.
RUMlog can interface with two transceivers, setting the main parameter on your TRX from the logbook or vice versa. Kenwood, Elecraft, Yaesu and Icom transceivers are supported. RUMlog has import and export functions to allow exchange of log data in different formats to other logging tools. RUMlog can interface with Google Maps (Web-Browser based) and Google Earth. (Must be installed on your computer) Except the DXCC statistics, RUMlog tracks the most interesting areas of the world for the most important awards: IOTA islands, CQ zones, ITU zones, Grid Squares, US States and German DOKs.
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