Pather for Mac
Map a drive letter to a network path.
Pather seeks to help you by allowing you to map a drive letter to a network path, but also by automatically converting drive paths for you.
Pather uses OS X's built-in networking capabilities which makes application support consistent throughout your Mac environment. Since Pather uses Finder's built-in support, your existing application and network security settings are fully supported.
For added simplicity, highlight a path in any program, right-click, and click "Open in Pather". Note: After you update, you will need to log out and log back in again to use this feature.
Got a lot of drive mappings you'd like to distribute across your organization? No problem! Create a JSON file with key/value pairs of the drive letter and the mapped path, and you can import those files. This feature is still a little rough around the edges to be sure, so please report any crashes, and submit any feedback.
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