Notched Up for Mac
Notch Simulator for the macOS.
Notched Up was designed to aid developers by displaying a close to real life Notch on their existing screens, which allows developers to see what menus do not fit on the left side of the Notch, without having to purchase both the 14" and 16" MacBook Pro.
Once developers can see which menus do not fit on the left side of the Notch, developers can then make a decisions as to what do about the menus in their applications, such as combining menus, re-naming menus, using icons instead of labels or culling some menus.
Notched Up can also be used to add a Notch to application screen shots, helping to illustrate an application's compatibility with Apple's Notched MacBook Pros.
Alternatively, Notched Up can simply be used for fun, adding a cosmetic fake Notch to a screen.
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