Sales - Record demo videos for your prospects. Show all the unique features of your product and convince people you have the best. Personalize sales materials for each prospect. Build out your audience by sharing files via social networks. Save time by creating one video for all your sales presentations.
Engineering - Review design, code, and bugs. Get through QA more quickly and easily. Explain complex technical issues using clear videos, GIFs, and screenshots. Use graphics, annotation, and drawings so everyone understands exactly what the situation is.
Management - Transform dense written strategic plans into informative videos. Make remote communication more effective with webcam recordings. Capture multiple business calls simultaneously so you’re on time everywhere.
Customer support - Record video tutorials for customers. Add voice comments to videos to clarify complex topics. Create support videos for common requests and use them to increase productivity, efficiency, and consistency of message. Upgrade flat FAQs to animated GIFs.
Marketing - Create unique marketing content for email campaigns and landing pages. Make marketing reports and graphics clearer for management and team members.
Onboarding - Record interviews and show the videos to team leaders to help them select candidates. Create engaging welcome materials for new employees. Record useful video tutorials for the corporate portal.