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Kingshiper NTFS for Mac

Lightweight and reliable solution for quick read-and-write capabilities on their NTFS storage devices.

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Based on 1 user rate

Kingshiper NTFS overview

Kingshiper NTFS offers a lightweight and reliable solution for Mac users seeking quick read-and-write capabilities on their NTFS storage devices. This software ensures the integrity of your stored data while enabling efficient bidirectional access.

Designed as a file system driver, Kingshiper NTFS for Mac empowers macOS to interact harmoniously with hard drives, solid-state storage devices, and USB thumb drives formatted with the Windows NTFS file system. While macOS inherently reads Windows-formatted NTFS drives, it lacks the capacity to write to them directly. With the integration of Kingshiper NTFS for Mac, users gain the ability to fluidly engage with NTFS file systems, encompassing external hard drives, USB drives, and more.

Enabling rapid mounting and unmounting of Windows NTFS storage devices via Mac's menu bar application, this software grants you complete command over your NTFS drives. This includes not only reading and writing, but also copying, moving, and deleting files. You can confidently manage your data on NTFS volumes without apprehension.

Main Features:
  • Mount & Unmount NTFS Drives: Fast and easy to mount and unmount NTFS drives through the convenient Mac status bar interface.
  • Read/Write NTFS Partition on Mac: Assume full control over NTFS-formatted drives without the need for formatting or altering their file system structure. Enjoy direct file editing, copying, moving, and deletion on NTFS volumes.
  • 1-Click Access to NTFS Drive: Swiftly open and explore content stored on NTFS drives with a single click.
  • Diverse Storage Support: Facilitates interaction with various storage devices, encompassing HDDs, SSDs, external hard disks, USBs, SD cards, Thunderbolt drives, and more.

What’s new in version 3.0.0

  • Quick and fast to read and write NTFS drives.
View older Kingshiper NTFS versions

Kingshiper NTFS for Mac

In English
Version 3.0.0
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(1 Reviews of Kingshiper NTFS)

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  • User Ratings

Aug 12 2023
Aug 12 2023
Version: 3.0.0
A bit expensive compared to other programs that do the same thing.
Aug 14 2023
Aug 14 2023
Version: 3.0.0