I liked the old .9b version better
worked faster-- simple interface
very similar to the old scsi probe
Don't like the unmount button-- way too slow
Plus there are about a dozen ways to unmount a volume that are faster-- drag to tash, click arrow on the sidebar, add a button thn the toobar, etc.
-- all work faster
This version is slower-- gives a message that its mounting the drive not necesary--- if its not on the desktop its not mounted
To clarify the MacUpdate description: this is a graphical interface to the built-in 'diskutil' command. I guess I don't understand why this any better than Apple's GUI, Disk Utility. It does all of the same things and more, with a better interface, and without the misspellings.
On the plus side, the price is right and it didn't crash on me.
i downloaded this because i was having trouble getting a partition on my hard drive to mount [even tho' diskwarrior and disc utility gave it a clean bill of health].
i fired up imount and set it to mounting the partion. it brought up a 'please wait' window for a few seconds and then when this went - hey presto! - er... nothing. no disc mounted, no error message, no info, zilch!
i'm always a bit dubious about 'one-trick pony' apps in the first place, but when the pony can't even master its solitary task.....???!!!
[ratings stars are a bit misleading as 'ease of use' doesn't necessarily translate to 'actually works']