Image Crop allows you to crop, convert and rename thousands of image files in batch mode. Crop your images to remove unwanted areas or to give them a specific aspect ratio. Also, if your original image files are poorly named, you can use Image Crop to give them meaningful names so they are easier to find and identify.
- Crop your images in batch mode
- Automatically crop your images to one of the following aspect ratios: 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9
- Select the corner where the crop area starts
- Use either pixels or percents to define the crop area
- Preview the crop area for each image
- Convert and rename your images in batch mode
- Keep the EXIF info and creation date of your original images
- Input formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE, JP2, JPX, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, BMP
- Output formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE, JP2, JPX, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, BMP
- Save the cropped images in a folder of your choosing