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HyperCube for Mac

Analyse/display multi- and hyperspectral imagery.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

HyperCube overview

HyperCube is an application specifically directed to the analysis and display of multi- and hyperspectral imagery. This includes the static and dynamic display of the image cube and the generation of spectral classifications using both imagery and spectral libraries. In addition, HyperCube contains functions to filter, warp, mosaic, reformat, calibrate, combine, photogrammetrically project and to perform arithmetic on imagery and data.

What’s new in version 10.80

Version 10.80:
  • The ability to load TIFF files containing LZW compression has been added. This includes 8 bit gray, 8 bit true color, 16 bit gray, 16 bit component color and 32 float images. It is not possible to save TIFF files with LZW compression.
  • Bug fix: It’s now possible to enable/disable a contiguous interval of spectral bands in menu Windows -> Show Band -> List -> Options.
  • The statistics region selected via menu Functions -> Classify -> Options -> Stats Region: Class map was not used correctly ��" gave erroneous message: "Not enough points".
  • The precision of the output ASCII text when saving a spectral list has been changed from 4 to 6 decimal places for the reflectance values.
  • National Geospatial Agency (NGA) compliance added to GeoTIFF images.
  • Bug fix: Menu Functions -> Classify method Mahalanobis did not propagate statistical region names into the final class map. The color of the statistical region was correctly maintained.
  • Bug fix: Menu Applications -> Radiance -> Plot BB Curve… crashed. This was a bug introduced in version 10.70.
  • Bug fix: An erroneous error message was given in menu Edit -> Options -> Image to Ref Coords… when switching between UTM and Geographic coordinates.
View older HyperCube versions

HyperCube for Mac

In English
Version 10.80
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(2 Reviews of HyperCube)

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  • User Ratings

Apr 14 2015
Apr 14 2015
Version: 10.80
MU, all links 404
Oct 12 2004
Oct 12 2004
Version: 7.9
Hypercube is an exceptionally capable, compact and well-domented package for analysis and display of multi/hyper-spectral data. Appears to cover all "Multi-Spec" capabilities, but handles R*4 and other data types along with many more options for classification, etc. Operation is somewhat idiosyncratic, but no worse than ENVI. Some bugs remain in data I/O in Mac version, but overall still very useful.
Oct 12 2004
Oct 12 2004
Version: null