Hide Folders for Mac
Protect your documents and folders.
Hide Folders protects your documents and folders.
If you are interested in protecting your documents and folders, Hide Folders is just what you are searching for. With a click, you will conceal files and folders with all their contents. The program is simple and natural to use because it works just as you are used to do things every day with your Mac. With this program, you will protect your files avoiding them to be being modified, seen or erased by other users.
This program uses the standard functionality of the operating system to make folders and files invisible. For the majority of users, any folder or file made invisible becomes inaccessible with standard Finder's windows browsing but please be warned that there are some applications that let you open also invisible files and that experienced users could, with particular expertise, gain access to a folder or file made invisible. Whether you need more advanced levels for protecting your data, there are other free of charge ways, as protecting information on removable media or using Mac OS X FileVault.
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