Growly Notes for Mac
Free-form note-taking application.
Growly Notes lets you capture everything you're interested in, all in one place. Organize research projects, trips, to-do lists, or journals. Scrapbook your images, Web links, and video clips. Your imagination is the only limitation.
Pages can contain almost anything: formatted text, images, movies, audio clips, PDF files, tables, lists, Web and file links, and drawings you create in Notes. There are no rules for where things have to go: put an image beside text, or under it. Draw shapes on top of other notes. Put two snippets of text right next to each other. Click anywhere and start typing. It's really that simple.
Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.
Two interfaces - the jazzy one seen in the description above, and a more sedate Apple type listing which you can see in other screenshots. NOTES can now read text from Apples old Stickies app.
To show the Developers diligence with this software, he has updated it by 7 versions in 2021 and already an upgrade version in February 2022. For a free app? Superb service.
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