DiskWarrior for Mac
Popular and powerful disk utility.
DiskWarrior is the essential Mac disk utility.
Everything just disappeared after your Mac went haywire. All your work documents. The music you most enjoy. The movie of your kid's first steps. It's your life and it's gone. Don't panic! DiskWarrior will find your documents, photos, music and any other files when disaster strikes and things go missing.
Perhaps you've tried to open a document and all that happens is a color wheel that spins and spins and spins? Or when your Mac starts up, all you get is a blinking question mark? Or you were in the middle of editing a movie and now your external hard disk isn't on the desktop? Or your MP3s won't play... Or every time you look through your photos, your Mac crashes. DiskWarrior gets you back up and running fast!
The software really lost its value and is abandonware! Website and software description gives the appearance of a great product "life saver" and a must have tool - but it's actually not. The keyword - "not being APFS ready" and "runs on external HFS+" disks is easily overlooked. Even the listing of MacOs versions it runs on seems misleading as the functionality has been lost on current macs! Earned its place in a museum. Very sad!
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