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DayliteABMenu for Mac

Access Daylite address book via system-wide menu.

In English

DayliteABMenu overview

Note: This app is still available for download but the developer of Dialectic has temporarily halted the distribution and sale of all of their products.

DayliteABMenu is a convenient and intuitive way to utilize your Marketcircle Daylite address book data through a system-wide menu. The application provides quick access to your contacts' phone numbers, email, and postal addresses. Selecting a menu item will trigger an action such as displaying the content in large type, copying it to the clipboard, creating a new email, dialing the phone (accomplished by running a customizable AppleScript), or showing an address on a map using the Google Maps service. Phone dialing requires the use of additional software such as Dialectic.

What’s new in version 1.2.3

Version 1.2.3:
  • Added Daylite 6 compatibility.
View older DayliteABMenu versions

DayliteABMenu for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.3
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(1 Reviews of DayliteABMenu)

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Jan 29 2016
Jan 29 2016
Version: 1.2.3
The worst customer service I have ever seen. They don't respond, they don't answer their phone, they don't seem to understand that they are a database company and not responding for days when a customer is down endangers their customer's business. I am simply stunned by how they hide when their is an issue. It's clear by now that they either down't care of don't know what to do but can't give us the courtesy of letting us know.
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