Checkmate for Mac
Monitor your Mac's health.
Checkmate is a computer health-monitoring application by Micromat. We created Checkmate to be a powerful computer-diagnostic product without being an intrusion to your work. The software observes your schedule and performs testing when your computer is idle. It then quietly logs results and stays completely out of your way - unless it finds a serious problem. Then it will alert you to the issue, and will open the Checkmate dashboard so you not only get a full report of the issue, but also are presented suggested steps you can take to correct the problem.
And Checkmate couldn't be simpler to use: simply install it and forget about it. You won't even know it's there until it finds a problem and alerts you. No buttons to push, no schedules to set and no interruptions to your work.
If you count on your Macintosh, make sure your Macintosh counts on Checkmate. Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Note: Currently available for $29.99
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