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AKVIS SmartMask for Mac

Application/plug-in for making selections on images.

In English
Based on 3 user rates

AKVIS SmartMask overview

AKVIS SmartMask is an efficient selection tool that saves time and is fun to use. Selection has never been so simple! There are many occasions when you need to target a specific area of an image; image when selecting this area, it is often necessary to highlight a great number of simple regions to which an effect or correction should be applied. Because of this, the creation of photo collages and photo montages can often require an extensive selection of objects. AKVIS SmartMask makes even a difficult selection incredibly simple. Now, you can spend less of your time on selection of objects and more of it on creativity. The software provides powerful tools for masking objects on images and removing backgrounds. It can create various selection types, with both soft and sharp edges. It even lets you select fluff, hair, fur, tree branches, glass, or a transparent veil with just a few mouse clicks! The program also allows you to get rid of the unwanted color shades left on the cutout object by the environment. There are two modes of image processing: Auto mode, which offers a powerful algorithm for automatic recognition of areas, and Manual mode, which includes a set of smart and helpful brushes to touch up the results, where needed. Our interface is so intuitive that you will feel like a child drawing in class: there are two pencils in Auto mode - you draw a line with the blue pencil inside the object you want to select (for example, yourself on a group photo), and then use the red pencil to create lines outside the object which define the areas that should be cut out (the other people in the photo). The program then interprets your intentions and intelligently makes the selection you want, understanding where the borders are. With simple images the pencil tools or the Quick Selection tool in manual mode are often enough to produce a professional-looking result. Our Quick Selection tool is a powerful feature which allows our program to select regions automatically with just a few clicks. In cases where the selected object stands against a background of a similar color range, or the object's edges are uneven, you can use the touch-up brushes, like the Magic Brush and Background Eraser. Like all our products, SmartMask is a tool that is not only straightforward, but also fun to use. It makes the dull process of image manipulation a fun and entertaining. Making selections can take a great deal of time out of a designer's work day. For this reason, with AKVIS SmartMask you can considerably increase your productivity! You will be freed from boring work and will have more room for creativity and realization of your ideas. Saving your Work When working with the software, you can save a working draft of your project into an AKVIS file which contains the original image, the state of the image at the moment it was saved with all its parameters and settings, and any manually created checkpoints which where added during your work. This very helpful feature is highly appreciated by professionals. AKVIS SmartMask is available as a standalone program and as a plugin to a photo editor. The plug-in version is compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Paint Shop Pro, and other image editors.

SmartMask is available as either a standalone application or as a plug-in, and pricing starts at $69 for home (non-professional) use. Both the standalone application and the plug-in are available together for $90 for non-professional use. Pricing information may be found here.

What’s new in version 10.0.2330.15693

Version 10.0.2330.15693:
  • Added the new Refine Radius tool.
  • Added a number of new settings to the Magic Brush tool (Transition and Priority parameters in the Keep Colors field, Lab Colors check-box).
  • Added the new Gray interface theme. The Dark and Light themes have been improved.
  • Support for new RAW files for the standalone version.
  • Fixed bugs.
View older AKVIS SmartMask versions

AKVIS SmartMask for Mac

In English
Version 10.0.2330.15693
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(2 Reviews of AKVIS SmartMask)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jul 11 2014
Jul 11 2014
Version: 4.5.1683.9954
AKVIS SmartMask is now up to version 5.0.1711.10834.
Jun 8 2009
Jun 8 2009
Version: 2.5
If you use Photoshop as much as I do, the question is not "when" do you need a masking plugin, the question is "which one" to use. Akvis Smart Mask won this battle of the masking plugins hands down. I tested OnOne Mask Pro, Vertus Fluid Mask, and the new Akvis Smart Mask v2.5. All had similar features, with the exception of a few important items which I believe sets Akvis Smart Mask apart from the competition. 1. Memory - Akvis did not strip the life out of my MacBook Pro, as did the others over a period of time. When tested equally over a 30 minute period, Akvis was the only plugin which did not cause my MacBook Pro to run hot. 2. Quick and Clean Interface - I personally like the interface of Smart Mask much more so than the others. It loads quickly, it is easy to navigate, and it responds almost flawlessly. 3. Price - Again, Akvis Smart Mask wipes out the competition, no need to rub salt in the wounds of the others. All in all this is one fine program which does what is says and more. Save yourself time, effort, and money... try it and buy it... thank me later.
Jul 9 2012
Jul 9 2012
Version: null
Feb 8 2012
Feb 8 2012
Version: null
Jun 8 2009
Jun 8 2009
Version: null